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A300-600R Values Face Sustained Downward Pressure

December 5, 2011

The A300-600R, at least as a passenger aircraft has not been manufactured for nearly a decade, with the last freighter being delivered in 2007. The values of the -600R failed to register any improvement in the year before the Great Recession of 2008 despite the B767-300ER seeing such a rise in the context of delays to the entry into service of the B787. There continue to be some 100 -600Rs in service with approximately 20 operators but the list of mainstream operators has been dwindling in recent years though Korean, Japan Airlines, Saudi Arabian still feature. American has some 13 listed as being part of its fleet but these are parked in the desert. A similar number are also parked at various locations around the world by other owners and operators indicating that some 25 percent of the fleet is grounded.

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