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3.5 Percent Rise In Boeing List Prices Widens Gap With Real Pricing
Net Pricing Contained by Strong Competition The hike in Boeing [BA] list prices exceeds that of the general U.S. inflation rate by a factor of three and that of net pricing by a factor of two increasing the gap between list and real pricing. Boeing Model 2004 AV 2005 LOW…

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August 22, 2005
"Ripple Effect" Keeps Rentals Stable
While rentals of narrowbodies out of production have managed to achieve a measure of stability, overall rates remain low. The ripple effect occurs when the primary mainstream types are in such short supply as to force operators to seek less desirable alternatives on a temporary basis. This increase in demand…

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August 22, 2005
Potential Improvement in Turboprop Values
After nearly a decade of decline, values of at least some turboprops may be managing to turn the tide and register an improvement. The cause of the improvement lay with the sustained increase in the price of fuel. While regional jets have supplanted many turboprops in recent years, a higher…

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August 22, 2005