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Aircraft Archive: McDonnell Douglas DC9-30H
Rentals of Older Narrowbodies Stabilize
The lease rates of narrowbodies no longer in production have stabilized due to the continued focus on newer aircraft types. The market for aircraft in general has nearly reached its peak and with the increased focus on newer aircraft, older types are losing some of their attraction. In common with…

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August 21, 2006
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
The Results of Our Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing While both Airbus and Boeing secured substantial orders during 2005, the year 2006 has not been so kind to beleaguered Airbus. Lack of orders, problems facing four-engine widebodies, delays in the A380, uncertainty over the A350/A370, and the forced resignations of…

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July 10, 2006
Chapter 2 Values Hit the Buffers
The values of the older Chapter 2 aircraft continue to decline with many having reached scrap levels in recent years. Noise, maintenance and fuel costs have all combined to ensure the displacement of the old in favor of the new. The preference for newer aircraft is also a function of…

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May 15, 2006
Rise in Older Narrowbody Rentals Slows
The rise in the rentals of older aircraft has slowed so that the preceding three months has seen only a modest increase. Some examples of narrowbodies no longer in production remain in considerable demand, which allows for rates to register a slight improvement. But the extensive backlog for newer products…

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May 1, 2006
Lease Rates of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise
New, Comprehensive List of Annual Jet Aircraft Lease Rates Lease rentals of aircraft in production have continued to climb as a consequence of improved market conditions and a shortage of quality, fuel-efficient equipment. Lessees have recognized that they need to pay for quality equipment. Rentals for the some aircraft types…

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February 20, 2006
Chapter 2 Values Languish
While values of newer Chapter 2 aircraft continue to experience an increase, older units face further weakness in the face of high fuel prices. The values of Chapter 2 aircraft are continuing to decline due to a number of factors. The previous economic downturn in the industry caused many operators…

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January 23, 2006
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Newer Aircraft Types Continue to Rise The year 2006 will be the best year for Boeing's order book in nearly 20 years, underlining the continued improvement in values of those aircraft still in production. While the price of fuel has remained obstinately high, the market has continued to…

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January 9, 2006
Rentals Reach Their Zenith
The revival in the fortunes of out of production narrowbody lease rentals appears to be running out of steam despite the absence of more modern equipment. Rentals of out of production narrowbodies have enjoyed substantial gains over the last 18 months, sufficient to recoup much of the decline experienced in…

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December 12, 2005
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