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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B757-200ER
Leasing Still Attracting New Players As Rates Mostly Remain Stable
Competition Intensifying Which Could Impact Rentals The profits being secured by the lessors continues to be between 15-20 percent thus underlining the continued relative attraction of aircraft leasing compared other asset classes such as shipping and real estate. The leasing of aircraft continues to increase despite as yet proven speculation…

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March 6, 2017
Paucity of Orders Not Impacting Rentals
While the manufacturers may be finding it difficult to secure the number of orders seen in recent years, the imnpact of any perceived weakness in terms of demand has not impacted rentals of most narrowbodies still in production. The surge in the leasing of aircraft offering the ability to secure…

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September 19, 2016
Rentals Remain Stable
The rate of traffic growth continues to be above trend and this is allowing rentals to remain stable at least for the newer and MLA (Mid Life Aircraft) aircraft. The competition is intense among the lessors as more institutions enter the market and margins are therefore being impacted to some…

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May 30, 2016
B757 Values Manage to Remain Stable
Boeing may be increasingly focusing on a mid-size aircraft but for the time being values of the current B757 are managing to hold steady albeit after having suffered previous falls and convergence of the oldest and youngest. The values of the B757 had been suffering as a consequence of advancing…

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April 18, 2016
Record Backlog Fails to Improve Rentals
With such a substantive and record breaking backlog a rise in lease rentals may be expected but such is the competition among lessors that rates are instead remaining largely stable, aided by the expectation that interest rates will remain low for some time. With the level of leasing steadily increasing…

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February 22, 2016
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Used Widebody Values Suffer But Aircraft Ratings Largely Stable The demand for new aircraft remains unprecedented with the manufacturers increasing production but values of such new aircraft have failed to rise and even a rise in U.S. interest rates has had little positive effect on lease rentals. The world economy…

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January 11, 2016
Rentals Fail to Advance
The lease rentals of narrowbodies in production have seemingly passed their cyclic peak nothwithstanding the potential effect of a rise in interest rates. The market for narrowbodies continues to be one of shortages – there is a shortage of delivery slots for new aircraft and a shortage of newer equipment.…

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November 16, 2015
Risk of Interest Rate Rise Falls as China Devalues
With falling unemployment in some countries and the need to wean the market off historically low interest rates, there has been mounting pressure for an increase but with the devaluation of th Yuan by China there will be a reluctance to further strengthen exchange rates. The lesser need to increase…

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August 24, 2015
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