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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B737-700
Appraiser T Sees “Many More Negative Changes” to Values and Lease Rentals
There continues to be a divergence of opinion among appraisers on the effect of the Covid event on values and lease rentals both in terms of magnitude and timing although the methodology employed will have a bearing on the assessment. Following on from the previous analysis of the changes to…

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July 20, 2020
Values Remain Stable After Collapse, Set for Modest Rise
Flight Numbers Increase But Thousands of Aircraft Remain in Storage With the lowest point of the current crisis having perhaps occurred in April, the restoration of some flights and a very modest increase in passenger numbers points to an improving picture but this has merely prevented values from falling any…

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June 22, 2020
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The MD90 Market Presence. The reasonable operating economics, low noise footprint and restriction emissions still failed to generate interest in the type from all but a single operator in the last decade even when alternatives were in short supply. The number of pilots certificated on the aircraft was limited making…

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June 22, 2020
Market for Business Jets Weaker
  The effects of Covid on business jet values may be more muted than for commercial jets but some types are still being impacted. The propensity and appetite to order new business jets, particularly by companies that have had to lay off staff, will be less. With staff losing their…

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June 8, 2020
Freighter Conversions Gain Momentum
Widebody Conversions Gain Traction But Pricing Needs to be Competitive The significant reduction in the value of passenger aircraft and the current resilience of the freighter market makes for greater interest in freighter conversions but with the world economy facing recession a sense of realism is needed to manage expectations.…

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May 25, 2020
B737-700 & A319 Values Suffer Despite Apparent Need for Smaller Aircraft
The values of the B737-700 and A319 would seem to warrant lesser discounting due to the perception that smaller aircraft will be required in the future and this has some validity except that with Delta imposing a maximum 60 percent load factor on all flights, smaller is not necessarily better.…

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May 25, 2020
Lease Rentals Experience Massive Fall
The lease rentals can be expected to fall even further than values in the short term. The lessors will seek to stave off the clamouring for rent reductions as much as possible but there has to be a measure of realism. Leases could be extended for 3-6 months or rates…

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May 11, 2020
New Value of B737-700 Shows Considerable Volatility
The value attributed to a newly delivered B737-700 over the last 23 years reflects considerable volatility but also the effect – or lack – of inflation. When the B737-700 was first introduced in 1997, the value was a few million dollars more than the B737-300 which was in the final…

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February 3, 2020
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