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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B717
Lease Rates of Older Narrowbodies Remain Weak
For the lessees of newer narrowbodies, the opportunity to secure the most efficient of aircraft at low rates is diminishing as the market recovers. The recovery of the aviation market is never uniform. With the lease rentals of the younger aircraft being lower and more readily available than was previously…

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November 8, 2021
B717 Values Fail to Recover As Type Eased Out of Market
The B717 continues to be edged out of the worlds fleet as newer more efficient types are ordered with Qantas the latest to announce that its sub-fleet will be replaced in the coming years. The values of the B717 have been under pressure for some years and the Covid Event…

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October 11, 2021
Value Rise Continues to Focus on New Types
The market for widebodies may be stagnant but for the more modern narrowbodies, a recovery is underway with values of some types continuing to recover. The Aircraft Rating has been included reflecting the suitability of the type for asset based financing over a seven year term. Values & Aircraft Rating…

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September 27, 2021
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 2, 2021
Value of Newer Types Experience Improvement
Fourteen months ago, in April 2020, the market was at its weakest due to the Covid Event. It was therefore in April 2020 that values fell by the greatest amount although there may have been a temptation to reduce values on an incremental basis for a variety of reasons. The…

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June 21, 2021
A318 Values Fail to Advance
The values of the A318 exhibited a major fall in percentage as a result of the Covid Event and there has not been any evidence of a recovery with the reverse being more likely. At least eighteen out of 80 produced had been scrapped even before the Covid Event and…

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June 21, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. Values have fallen and continue to do so even as aircraft are scrapped and parked. As a member of the A320 family, technology is not an issue for the A318. The interior of the A318, providing a wider diameter than the competition, is attractive for corporate customers so…

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June 21, 2021
Newer Narrowbody Rates Start Recovery in Earnest
The lease rentals for narrowbodies have inevitably been severely affected by the Covid Event and lessors have reported reduced income levels but as the market begins to recover from the depths of a year ago rates are increasing again, at least for the newer aircraft types. The lessors have had…

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May 24, 2021
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