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Aircraft Archive: Boeing B707-320CH
Freighter Rentals Continue to Face Weakness
Weakness in the air cargo market is usually the first sign of problems in the world economy. The cargo market has therefore been suffering for nearly a year. The shortfall in demand in the run up to the Beijing Olympics earlier in the years merely obscured more fundamental issues. The…

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November 24, 2008
Rentals Continue to Fall
While there continues to be a measure of demand for the older aircraft types, the focus is clearly on the newer. LIBOR interest rates are finally easing allowing for a measure of comfort for lessees but this only serves to see rentals falling lower. Aircraft such as the B727 and…

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November 10, 2008
Freighter Values Remain Vulnerable
Just as summer in the Northern Hemisphere represents the opportunity make money to tide operations over the leaner off peak months, so too do the months leading up to the year provide a means for freight operators to fill their holds. The run up to Christmas festivities generates a considerable…

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September 15, 2008
Freighter Rentals Continue to Experience Fragility
The weakness of the wider economy has continued to undermine the lease rentals of some equipment while others are at best holding steady. The fragility of the world economy, notably in the U.S., has continued to prompt a note of caution with respect to the freighter market. The most notable…

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August 4, 2008
First Generation Stage 3 Rentals Weaken
The sustained and inevitable preference for more economic aircraft has continued to prompt a decline in lease rentals of the older types. The lease rentals of older types are facing considerable pressure as lessors struggle to place surplus aircraft. Yet, at the same time demand outside of the U.S. is…

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July 21, 2008
Freighter Values Edge Downwards
With the media helping to initiate global economic weakness, air cargo operations are finding the market all the more difficult. While demand for newer freighters continues to outstrip supply, particularly with respect to conversions, older types continue to face problems due to the associated higher fuel costs as well as…

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May 26, 2008
Freighter Rentals Maybe Easing?
The fragility of the world economy, notably in the U.S., has prompted a note of caution with respect to the freighter market. The most notable trend has been the diversion of traffic away from the air to container ships. The imposition of fuel surcharges on airfreight rates has seemingly had…

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March 3, 2008
First Generation Stage 3 Rental Ease
The fall in interest rates has begun to have an impact on lease rentals. Financial uncertainty has also played a role in making the market more cautious, particularly where certain types carry greater risk. There are some older narrowbodies that continue to benefit from the Ripple Effect whereby the lack…

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February 18, 2008
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