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Aircraft Archive: Antanov EMB110
Turboprop Values See Modest Rise
The demand for turboprops continues to improve although the limited number of orders and still modest production rates suggest otherwise. ATR delivered 50 ATR72-600s in 2019 which was down from the 76 delivered in 2014. In 2020 the production rates had fallen even further which was to be expected given…

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August 16, 2022
Product Line Set to See Major Change
After so many years the turboprop market may see disruption, much to the chagrin of ATR as Embraer moves forward with its new “TP”. Embraer first mooted an all new Turboprop (TP) in 2017 but the aborted Joint Venture with Boeing and the Covid Event inevitably caused some disruption to…

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October 25, 2021
Turboprop Values Start Recovery Phase
The values of even the newest turboprops – not that there are that many that are in production – fell significantly because of the Covid Event but as the market has shown at least some signs of recovery so too have the values of the youngest aircraft begun to rise,…

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August 30, 2021
Turboprop Rentals See Modest Rise
The market for turboprops is seeing some improvement as more operators seek to acquire capacity as a result of an improving environment. As some of the incumbent carriers have contracted operations or collapsed, there has been a surge of interest from new market entrants or smaller operators seeking to expand…

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August 16, 2021
Rentals Buffeted by Turbulent Recovery
There continues to be a misperception that the turboprop market has remained immune to the wider problems caused by the Covid Event because domestic markets may have avoided total shutdown. Yet, this is not necessarily the case. Some domestic markets have been severely affected because of a government ban on…

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May 10, 2021
Turboprop Rentals Start to Climb - Slowly
Much is made of the resilience of the turboprop market but this may be more perceived than actual as aircraft remain in storage in numbers. With traffic still being evident in domestic and regional markets, it is sometimes assumed that the regional market in terns of turboprops, has somehow managed…

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March 1, 2021
Turboprop Values “Straight & Level”
The market for turboprops has some volatility but in general is reasonably stable with aircraft being traded and moved between operators. De Havilland (Longview Aviation Capital having acquired the brand in June 2019) is considering pausing production of the Dash8-400 but with less than 20 aircraft on backlog such a…

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February 15, 2021
Turboprop Rentals Stable After Weakness
The market for turboprops is something of a conundrum. On the one hand, the domestic and short haul sectors have been able to recover that much sooner than other sectors but at the same time the propensity for air travel, the limited leisure industry and the absence of business travel…

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October 12, 2020
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