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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A310-300H
Widebody Rentals Collapse
While the absence of demand for international services essentially makes it impossible to base lease rentals on empirical data points, there can be no disguising just how weak the market is for widebody aircraft with 60 percent of the widebody fleet still inactive as of the first week of September.…

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September 14, 2020
Lease Rentals of Widebodies Face Uphill Battle
  There can no escaping the magnitude of the decline in widebody rentals nor the difficulty in registering an improvement. The international sector has registered a precipitous fall in demand which is leaving thousands of aircraft idle. Even where services have been restarted, these have been limited in number with…

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May 25, 2020
Rentals for Outgoing Widebodies Falter
The COVID-19 virus is having a significant effect on demand and it must be expected that long haul traffic utilizing widebody aircraft will be impacted the most. Existing lessees will likely continue to pay lease rentals but there are many operators that have already grounded a significant number of aircraft…

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March 16, 2020
Rentals for Outgoing Widebodies Weaken
The rentals for the outgoing widebodies are under pressure as operators increasingly switch to more modern aircraft. While the focus of attention may currently be on the grounding of the B737MAX and the cessation of A380 production in the next two years, there are a considerable number of new widebodies…

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November 25, 2019
Widebody Rentals Remain Low
The low interest rates are inevitably having an effect on lease rentals when compared with previous levels but the market for used widebodies is perhaps not as strong as for narrowbodies and this is making it necessary for rentals to be realistic. The larger widebodies can be placed – notwithstanding…

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August 5, 2019
Widebody Rentals Fail to Advance
The market for used widebodies remains reasonable but the rentals are failing to improve despite traffic growth. The manufacturers are more able to match production with demand and are delivering new aircraft in reasonable quantities even if Airbus rates are low. In the first three months of 2019 Airbus delivered…

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May 13, 2019
SLBs Deals Belie Mid Life Rental Weakness
The number of sale and leasebacks continue with financial institutions buying used as well as new aircraft from both first and second tier operators. The SLB transactions, featuring higher rentals, can distort the real vanilla operating lease rates being paid for widebodies. On a standalone basis, the rates for widebodies…

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April 16, 2018
Widebody Lease Rentals Weaker Than Expected
With traffic still being above the long term trend and a strong backlog for most widebodies, lease rentals would also be expected to be high but such is the availability from lessors and retention of older widebodies due to lower fuel prices, that rentals are relatively low. Secondary leasing of…

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December 11, 2017
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