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Aircraft Archive: A310-200F
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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July 22, 2019
Freighter Values Continue to Experience Weakness
The airfreight market remains in the doldrums which is causing particular concern for values. The airfreight traffic for June as reported by IATA showed only the most modest of improvements. The only bright spot was the Middle East which showed double digit growth. With only 0.8 percent increase in traffic…

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August 13, 2012
FedEx Accelerated Retirement Causes Problems for Freighter Values
Already Marginalized A310-200F & MD10-10 Values Most Impacted The accelerated retirement of freighter aircraft by FedEx points to still difficult times for the airfreight market which continues to translate into falling values. On June 4th, FedEx announced the permanent retirement of 18 A310-200Fs as well as 26 related engines; six…

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June 18, 2012
Market Seeks To Shrug Off Atlas Problems
The restructuring of Atlas has naturally represented a crisis for owners and lessors of cargo equipment, though renegotiation of the carrier's rentals may provide a measure of stability quickly. The operating cost advantage of both the B747-200Fs and -400Fs, in terms of offering operators of the type the lowest unit…

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May 5, 2003
U.S. Woes Keep Freighter Fleet Values Grounded
Values of freighter aircraft have not risen more over the last quarter than those of their passenger counterparts. Though some airfreight sectors are continuing to demonstrate growth - the Asia-Pacific region, for example - the all-important U.S. sector remains a constraint to a global recovery. The buildup of the U.S.…

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February 10, 2003
Weak Freighter Rentals Mimic U.S. Economy
The difficulties being experienced by Atlas underline the fragility of the freighter market. The period in the run up to the Christmas period provided a respite for freighter operators who enjoyed a measure of growth. The sustained military build up in the Middle East is likely to provide further business…

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January 27, 2003