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Aircraft Asset Assessment B747-200B

June 30, 2003

Market Presence. When comparing the B747-200B and A380, the chasm in terms of technology becomes all too evident. The three-person flight deck; clockwork instrumentation; 1950s vintage structure (the B747 fuselage is a derivative of the B707); comparatively basic interior (though carriers Virgin spent millions on presenting the most modern of interiors for the -200B); and ageing systems all clearly define the advances made over the last 30 to 35 years. As the MTOW of the aircraft increased, the operational flexibility also improved by a considerable amount. The principal limitation still lay in serving long-haul routes between the Far East and Europe. Though in theory the MTOW of 833,000 pounds permitted such operations, severe payload limitations inevitably made services uneconomical. Technical stops to refuel in the Middle East or at Anchorage were therefore necessary and commonplace, adding journey time and cost. The arrival of the longer range B747-400, MD11 and A340 quickly eliminated technical stops, making it necessary to use smaller dedicated aircraft for intermediate destinations. The CF6 has been held in high regard. The competition is significant, overwhelming and preferred. The B747-200B served the international passenger well for over 20 years. Despite the volatility in values since the early 1970s, the original $25 million price bore up well against recent values of around $4 million to $6 million, but these have since declined to half these levels. Pricing below $1 million has become even more commonplace for run out examples, with parting out becoming the more usual prospect for those needing a D check.

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